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The smallest models of American fridge freezer have a capacity of around 400 litres, which will hold up to 22 shopping bags of food. The majority of models are between 500 and 600 litres, which will hold between 28 and 33 shopping bags of food. Some even go up to 700 litres, fitting 38 shopping bags of food inside.

Water and ice dispenser

Many American fridge freezers come with a built-in water and ice dispenser. Most fridge freezers with a water dispenser don’t need plumbing – all you need to do is fill the water tank every now and again. Some do require plumbing though, so look out for this when you check the specifications.

Frost free

Frost-free technology means that cool air is passed evenly throughout the fridge and freezer, preventing a build-up of ice.

Food freshness

Most models have a separate cooling system for the fridge and the freezer, keeping the humidity inside at an optimum level to lock in the vitamins and minerals of your food. Some also have technology that circulates air evenly throughout the whole fridge, so every shelf stays the same temperature. Also, with special super-cool and super-freeze functions, you can reduce the temperature in both your fridge and freezer.