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Fridge freezer capacity is measured in litres, with 18 litres being the equivalent of one bag of shopping. For example, a 150-litre fridge freezer will give you enough room to store 8 shopping bags. Up to 350 litres is ideal for medium-sized households, holding up to 19 shopping bags of food, and anything above that is suitable for larger households.

Measurements and fittings

Integrated fridge freezers come in two main split types: 50/50 and 70/30. This refers to the fridge/freezer capacity split.

Integrated models come in the following standard heights:

  1. 144cm
  2. 177cm (most common)
  3. 185cm

Freezing features

Some models have a special fast-freeze setting, allowing you to keep your frozen foods fresh after they’ve been at room temperature. It works by rapidly reducing the temperature in the freezer whenever you enable it. Frost-free technology is also available, which passes cool air evenly throughout the freezer to prevent a build-up of ice.

Refrigeration features

Some integrated fridge freezers have air-flow technology that circulates air evenly throughout the fridge. An antibacterial lining will reduce odours and prevent the build-up of mould, and super-cool settings rapidly reduce your fridge temperature to cool your food quicker.

Energy rating

Integrated fridge freezer energy ratings range from A+++ to A, with A+++ being the most energy efficient. You can check the energy rating of your replacement options by comparing their specifications.