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Fridge capacity is measured in litres, with 18 litres being the equivalent of one bag of shopping. For example, a 150-litre fridge will give you enough room to store 8 shopping bags. Up to 350 litres is ideal for medium-sized households, holding up to 19 shopping bags of food, and anything above that is suitable for larger households.

Sizes and types

Tall fridges traditionally have a large capacity, but will also take up a considerable amount of your kitchen space. Under-counter fridges are tucked under your worktop, saving space while still offering a reasonable capacity.


Most models come with special compartments for different food types, like a salad crisper, egg tray, and dairy compartment. Some models also have a special compartment for keeping meat and fish at the perfect temperature, and a few have a wine rack as well.

Energy rating

Fridge energy ratings range from A+++ to D, with A+++ being the most energy efficient. You can check the energy rating of your replacement options by comparing their specifications.

Extra features

Some freestanding fridges have air-flow technology that circulates air evenly throughout the fridge. An antibacterial lining will reduce odours and prevent the build-up of mould, and super-cool settings rapidly reduce your fridge temperature to cool your food quicker.